How to: Restore
The restore portal is the portal needed to restore Microsoft 365 data.
In order to use this portal, you need a Microsoft 365 user account as well as a system profile set up by the administrator of your company. If your company’s email system is not Microsoft 365, users needs to be added manually.
Please note that your initial login page looks the same for everyone, regardless if you are a reseller or an end-customer.
Getting started on your restore job. In this example we are restoring mail data, however, this guide can be used for all types of restore.
Signin to the restore portal

Log in with your MS365 credentials

Once you are logged in you have multiple restore options available depending on your administrative rights and what types of backups you are running:
SharePoint (Personal)
SharePoint (Sites)
Group mail
Restore log

Under OneDrive
View all users with OneDrive set up

Under Group mail
View all group mails

Under SharePoint
View all SharePoints

Under SharePoint, Personal
View all Personal SharePoints

Under Teams
View all Teams users

Go to Mailbox
Choose the user/mailbox which files needs to be restored
Click ”select”

Restore mailbox
Choose the date you wish to restore from, once date have been picked press the confirm button, your also have the option here to include deleted items by picking "Yes" in the "Show deleted items?" section.

Restore mailbox
In the bottom you have options such as:
Restore entire mailbox
Email select items
Download select items
Restore select items
In the top you have 2 options:
View - Inbox
Select the files you wish to restore
You are able to see the selected files to assure that it is the right ones
To restore, select ”Restore Selected Items” in the bottom right corner
Alternatively if you have an entire folder you can also press the loop around arrow to the right of the folder

Restoring the items
1. On the Confirmation popup press "Continue" to indicate you want to restore selected items

2. After that you get to chose destination account either "Original account" or "Other account"
3. Select destination folder
4. Click continue

Now you can close the new window by pressing "Close" and the restore process will run on its own in the background.

Important note: When restoring your backup, keep in mind that restoring will overwrite the existing file, so either rename like "filename_old" or move the file. This rules does not apply to Exchange restore.