How to: Setup BaaS
When you have recieved your credentials after signing up you are ready to begin installation of Anycloud BaaS for Veeam.
Step 1. Launch Service Provider Wizard
To launch the Service Provider wizard, do one of the following:
• Open the Backup Infrastructure view. Select the Service providers node in the inventory pane and click Add Service Provider on the ribbon.
• Open the Backup Infrastructure view. Right-click the Service providers node in the inventory pane and select Add service provider.
• Open the Backup Infrastructure view. Select the Service Providers node in the inventory pane and click Add Service Provider in the working area.

Step 2. Specify Cloud Gateway Settings
At the Service Provider step of the wizard, specify settings for the cloud gateway that the SP has provided to you.
1. In the Name field, enter the DNS provided from us.
2. In the Description field, provide a description for the SP you are adding.
3. In the Port field, specify the port 6180.
4. Select the Allow this Veeam Backup & Replication installation to be managed by the service provider checkbox if Anycloud BaaS for Veeam should manage the Veeam backup server under the Backup as a Service agreement. With this option selected, Veeam Backup & Replication will install the remote management agent on the your Veeam backup server, allowing our to communicate with your environment.

Step 3. Verify TLS Certificate and Specify User Account Settings
At the Credentials step of the wizard, verify TLS certificate settings and specify settings for the tenant account that you want to use to connect to the cloud repository.
1. At the top of the wizard window, Veeam Backup & Replication displays information about the TLS certificate obtained from Anycloud BaaS for Veeam. You can view the certificate settings and verify the TLS certificate.
TLS certificate verification is optional. You can use this option to verify self-signed TLS certificates. TLS certificates signed by the CA do not require additional verification.
• To view the TLS certificate, click the certificate link.
• To verify if the TLS certificate with a thumbprint, copy the thumbprint you obtained from the SP to the Clipboard and enter it to the Fingerprint for certificate verification field. Click Verify. Veeam Backup & Replication will check if the thumbprint you enter matches the thumbprint of the obtained TLS certificate.
2. From the Credentials list, select credentials for the tenant account that you have received from Anycloud BaaS for Veeam. If you have not set up credentials beforehand, click the Manage accounts link or click Add on the right to add necessary credentials.

Step 4. Enumerate Cloud Repository Resources
At the Resources step of the wizard, Veeam Backup & Replication will automatically enumerate resources provided to the tenant on the cloud repository and display the results in the wizard window.
Enumeration of storage resources on the cloud repository may take some time. Wait for the processing to complete and click Next.

Step 5. Enumerate Cloud Replication Resources
At the Hardware Plans step of the wizard, Veeam Backup & Replication will automatically enumerate computing, storage and network resources provided to the tenant through hardware plans for processing tenant VM replicas.
Enumeration of hardware plans may take some time. Wait for the processing to complete and click Next.

Step 6. Configure Network Extension Appliances
At the Network Extension step of the wizard, Veeam Backup & Replication will display network extension appliance that will be deployed on the tenant's side. This network extension appliance will be used for establishing and maintaining connection between production VMs and VM replicas on the cloud host after partial site failover.
In the Network extension appliances section of the Network Extension step of the wizard, you can view default network extension settings, edit settings for the network extension appliance and add one or several network extension appliances in case there are multiple IP networks in your production environment.

Configuring Network Extension Appliance
To configure network extension appliance:
1. Open the Network Extension Configuration dialog. To launch the dialog, do one of the following:
• To configure new network extension appliance, click Add.
• To edit settings of the extension appliance that is already in the Network extension appliances list, select that network extension appliance and click Edit.
2. In the Host section of the dialog, click Choose and select the host on which the network
extension appliance must be deployed. That is the source host from which your production VMs will be replicated to the cloud host.
3. [For VMware Hardware Plan] In the Resource pool section, click Choose and select the esource pool in which the network extension appliance VM must be placed.
4. [For VMware Hardware Plan] In the Datastore section, click Choose and select the datastore on which to keep files of the network extension appliance VM.
5. [For Hyper-V Hardware Plan] In the Folder section, click Choose and specify the path to the folder on the storage to keep files of the network extension appliance VM.
6. In the Network section, click Choose and select the virtual switch to which production VM on the source host are connected.
7. [For Hyper-V Hardware Plan] In the VLAN ID field, specify the VLAN ID of the network on the selected virtual switch to which VMs that you plan to replicate are connected.
8. Specify the IP addressing settings for the appliance:
• To assign an IP address automatically in case there is a DHCP server in your network, keep the Obtain an IP address automatically option selected.
• To manually assign the specific IP address to the appliance, select the Use the following IP address option and specify the following network settings:
– IP address
– Subnet mask
– Default gateway
9. Click OK.

Step 7. Assess Results
At the Apply step of the wizard, Veeam Backup & Replication will save information about resources available from Anycloud BaaS for Veeam and deploy the specified number of network extension appliances on your production host. Wait for the required operations to complete and click Next to continue.

Step 8. Finish Working with Wizard
At the Summary step of the wizard, complete the procedure of Service-provider adding.
1. Review the configuration information on the added Anycloud BaaS for Veeam configuration.
2. Click Finish to exit the wizard.