Error: One or More Networks Mapped to the same cloud network
Replication jobs complete with a warning that one or more networks are mapped to the same cloud network.
You need to map multiple networks to resolve the warning. The amount of networks depends on how many source networks the VM in question has access to.
1. Select the job that has the warning.
2. Right click and edit the job

3. Check the "Network remapping" feature

4. Go to the Network -option and click add.

5. Next to Source network: select Browse, and choose the correct source network related to the VM.
6. Next to Target network: select Browse, and choose the appropriate network related to the Replica. Several networks can be assigned to the tenant. The two types of networks that can be made available to the tenant are Internet (specified in console) and No Internet (not specified in console). The option for Internet toggles source NAT on the provider-side Network Extension Appliance, allowing the replica VM to reach the internet. Click Ok once finished.

Go through the job to saving the settings.
The source side VM has more than one network connecting to the cloud network in Anycloud DRaaS for Veeam.